Monday, June 1, 2009

Two Years Ago Today

My Dad died two years ago and I still miss him. Funny how anniversaries bring events and people to mind. Really, today is just another day in June but to me it isn't. About this time two years ago today we were gathered around Dad's deathbed singing Amazing Grace as he left us to go to heaven. I still can't sing that hymn without tears.

Dad was a gentle soul, a wonderful father and a faithful husband to my Mom. He had a grace about him even during trying times. He was a WWII and Korea vet, he served in the Navy working with radios and radar. He was a smart man, he went to college when he got out and became an electrical engineer and worked on computers when they were first beginning. But most of all, he was our father. I still catch myself thinking I've seen him when I see an old man from the back that walks like he did or stands like he did. Or I remember him when I hear music that he liked or go to an event that he would have liked. I wish I had spent more time with him when he was alive, I wish that I would have had him over for dinner more often. Towards the end he was disoriented and confused but he sure loved to eat! I know I'll see him when I get to heaven but for now all I have are the memories.


MNLacer said...

That is a lovely tribute.

Miss T said...

Nice piece. Sounds like your dad was a great guy, and I understand just how you feel on this anniversary of his passing.

indigorose said...

I miss Grandpa too. He was such a quiet man, I don't feel like I knew him very well and that makes me sad.

Compadre said...

Yes, Miss T, Frank was a great guy, with a great laugh. He taught me how to be a father-in-law.